Monday, November 20, 2006

You can now subscribe by e-mail to this blog!

If you look on the right side of this blog, you see Enter your email and Subscribe me!
(right under the green block). And if you enter your email address there, you will get every new post of this blog in your email inbox....

I think it is a nice service to offer different ways of subscribing to your blog, especially if you expect readers from low-bandwith areas. I have used feedblitz for some time on my personal blog to offer email subscription service and I am happy with it, so I decided not to analyse any other email subscription service but go straigth for feedblitz again.

The process of adding an email subscription service to your blog is quite straightforward. When you go to the feedblitz page, you can register and enter you URL address. Feedblitz then creates a piece of code that you have to copy and paste in the template of your blog. When I first did this, I felt very proud that I had managed to paste a piece of code in my blog! For this blog, it didn't work at first. When I clicked on preview of the changes (important while changing the codes, because then you can still decide not to confirm the changes), I saw that the whole sidebar of the blog had moved down. After some different try-outs to make the code line shorter, which once worked with a different problem, I decided to delete part of the code (with the width specifications) and that did the trick! So now I'm even more proud that I can change html codes (I am not an IT person and never learned html coding...). It shows that you can learn alot when you are no longer afraid to try things out and when you have some time at hand.... But you have to be prepared to continue when you are frustrated in case it doesn't work immediately (and that happens a lot).

Anyhow, feedblitz had a new chicklet that allows you to monitor the number of subscribers, so it will be easy to see whether many people use the option or not. So please subscribe if you want to follow this blog and don't use an RSS reader or blogreader!


At 8:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Joitske

Nice addition. At euforic we do the same thing using feedburner. Though we don't yet use chicklets.


through feedburner, we can see some statistics, also of people who subscribe to the feed using bloglines etc. Main thing is probably to make sure any subscribers use the feedblitz feed and not atom or whatever blogger provides! Cheers, Peter

At 12:15 PM, Blogger Randy Charles Morin said...

It's up to you, but last month FeedBlitz accidentally published hundreds if not thousands of email addresses. Do you really want people spamming your readers?

Try Rmail.

It's secure.

At 11:00 AM, Blogger Sibrenne said...

Ha Joitske,

Bedankt voor deze toelichting. Ik heb me gelijk aangemeld; vind het altijd erg prettig om per mail geinformeerd te worden over wijzigingen in een Blog.

Je laatste zin maakt me wel nieuwsgierig...'so don't use an RSS reader or blogreader'. Why not? What is the difference?

At 8:52 AM, Blogger Joitske said...

hoi, I use a blogreader (, so I have added this blog to my bloglist there. Then I don't have to subscribe by email because I know automatically when there is a new blogpost. (bloglines indicates this).


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